Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

My Transformative Photo

I consider this my transformative photo because of the feeling that I had while taking it and while looking at it. While taking it, I was in a whimsical mood, walking home from school, not really thinking about what I was doing. I thought of how cool it would be to actually immerse myself in the rose bush and point my camera up at the sky, through the brambles. What I got was a replication of my feelings at that time, a sense of lightness, the feeling of being lost in a hidden world of sky and flowers. I consider this my best photo also, because looking at it I feel the intimacy of that tiny space I was in to take this photo, a feeling that wasn't suffocating but comforting, to be held tenderly by nature and feel a sense of endless warmth.

Difference Between Shape and Form

Shape is the distinct geometric or recognizable outline that a certain object has. For example, in this post, the plants have a distinct fan-shape that is instantly recognizable and memorable and gives the photo interest.

Form is the silhouette of a certain object, curves and lines that make something up, for example the tree in the post has a leafy outline, it doesn't seem very uniform but you can see that the tree itself has a roundish top.

Difference Between Pattern and Repetition

Pattern is a repeating shape that you see either in nature or in man-made structures. In this post you can see that the chain fence is made of repeating diamonds linked together to make one whole fence.

Repetition is having multiple of the same object or pattern in a photograph. In this post you can see that there are three identical light fixtures on the sideway, parallel to one another giving the impression of repetition.

About Pages

My About Page

My Inspirational About Page

Project Links

Final Project was my favorite project, because I got an excuse to lie down and play with my cats all day. It was also the most exasperating, fun and messy project. Exasperating because cats tend to move around alot, and because my dogs got jealous and tried to eat my phone. Fun because my cats actually know when they're being photographed, and clearly enjoy as much as I do. Messy because dogs are messy. And that's why I didn't chose them.

My other projects:

Presentation Project

Multicultural Week Project

Monday, June 8, 2015

Final Project-Cats

I have two cats named Ernie and Queen Kimba II. I also own two dogs, Kiana and Chocolate, but I found them very hard to photography as Kiana is very excitable and Chocolate...well Chocolate is a chihuahua. They licked the camera lenses and tried to jump on me the whole time during my previous attempts to photograph them, so I settled for my(slightly) more tranquil cats. 

My cat, Ernie, looking directly into my eyes. You know a cat loves you when they can look you in the eye and not feel afraid, especially since most of the time animals avoid your eyes because they don't trust humans. She sees me as her mom, which is a pretty reasonable perception.

Queen Kimba II taking a royal nap on my bed. The cats and dogs can only sleep in my room because I'm the only one in my family who isn't allergic to them other than my mom(dad kicks them out) She also responds to Baby, Kimbly, Kimber, and many other variations of Kimba.

Ernie was named by my little brother, so her name isn't exactly gender-appropriate. She is basically a wild cat who comes home only to sleep and eat. She is extremely loving and is prone to not letting me leave home on time because she loves sitting on my clothes.

Kimba is calm and very motherly. She was the oldest kitten in her litter, and also her mother's favorite. She considers my youngest sibling, Sahil, to be her kitten. She is the opposite of Ernie, spending all of her time in sight of her beloved humans, and doing nothing but sleeping and eating.

Kimberley and Ernie are sisters from a litter of 7. Since we couldn't keep so many cats and since their mother, who was a stray we took in, vanished, we had to raise them ourselves. We chose our favorites, even though they don't get along. It just makes it all that more interesting.