Thursday, April 16, 2015

Photo Story

Pismo Beach, CA
This photo was taken on the last day of Spring Break, on a trip I took with five good friends of mine, right before a whole night of frantic driving to get home by the time school started the next day (we got there at 5 the next morning). This picture reflects all of the memories that we had on that trip, which included two of my friends getting engaged and one of my friends getting back with his girlfriend. The photo was taken from the window of a restaurant called Mo's, where was where my friend Matt proposed to his girlfriend Kiana later that night. It was obviously an important trip for my friends because of their engagement, but it was also a great trip because I got to spend time with friends that I normally don't get to see, and it's fun not to be in charge and have to act mature all of the time; I was the youngest person in the group and hanging out with twenty-something-year olds is always fun. There were six of us, four girls and two boys:Matt(23), Kiana(22), Mariam(19), Kaniel(19), Lizbeth(18) and of course me. The funniest thing had to be that I was still technically a minor, but of course no one cared, and no one acted their age. After Matt proposed, we were all reduced to blubbering monkeys, suddenly caught up in their own thoughts and existential crises, wondering if we would ever find love like that, but we didn't get time to wallow in self-pity. Immediately after the dinner, we had to return to the hotel and get on the road. I will always remember this trip as a transition into adulthood, as the silence with which we drove home starkly contrasted with the light-hearted, bohemian tone of the rest of the trip. We promised to try to meet again, even though we all knew it was unrealistic. I'm off to Los Angeles next year, Kaniel went back to New York, Mariam is busy chasing her degree at De Anza. Matt and Kiana are set to be married next August, and until then we'll probably not see a hair of one another. After then, who knows? 

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